Thursday, March 25, 2010

ACS - 1st Advance Manual Project #4: Our Champions

Advance Manual : 226-N Special Occasion Speeches
Project # 4    : Presenting an Award
Title          : Our Champions
Delivered at   : Toast of Comsofil Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : ACG/CL Enrico Abad
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Silver

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Fellow Toastmasters, visitors, ladies and gentlemen good evening!

For the past nine years, ToC have been producing leaders and good speakers that serve as the pillars of our mother club – COMSOFIL – such as TM Buddy, TM Romwald, TM Rico who has served or currently serving as president. We also have members who excel in their workplaces, they became successful – our beloved Pres TM Jas is one, and we have some who are now the reward of their labor in other countries – remember TM Angelo?

ToC has also produces good speakers whom I could say conquered their fears in public speaking. Before, asking them to take the control of the lectern was challenge… now, asking them to stop and sit down need a lift truck and a police squad. Right, TM Benjie? Just kidding.

To honor our achievers, we showered them with accolades, plaques, and trophies. However, I personally felt that this is not enough. After all the thunderous applause, their accomplishments are easily forgotten. Hence, as your parliamentarian, I am proposing that we shall create a special award that will be granted annually. The award shall be the highest honor that any ToCian may receive. We shall call this award as the Toastmaster of the Year Award.

Let me ask you fellow ToCians… do we need to wait for a year to grant this award to our deserving ToC members? Of course not!

In this juncture, agree with me that we can grant an honorary Toastmaster of the Year awards to:

He once serve as president of the Club, he competed and gave pride to ToC in the Area, he provided the much needed inspiration and guidance to new members, the current president of Comsofil, please welcome ACG/CL Buddy Salvador.

He also served as president of the club, was once the president of Comsofil, former area governor, a leader and a good member, ACG/CL Romwald Miranda.

The next recipient is a very good friend of mine, and like me, he is also handsome and charming. He was a regular guest of Toast of Comsofil during the middle of 2008 and he loves to attend meetings not only because of the sumptuous pansit and abundant softdrinks the club offers every after meeting, but more importantly he decided join the club as dual member when he realize that this club has something that he was looking for – the heart and the spirit of family!

He made his impact to the club by bringing in his natural talent in speaking, his cleaver and helpful evaluation, and wacky carabao-jokes that made everyone at ease. He also introduce changes on the meeting procedures such as the silent evaluation of the meeting leaders, timing of major segment hosts, and standardization of scripts and spiels for the meeting participants.

He brought the first ever championship trophy to the club when he almost bring the house in the recently concluded Area 1 humorous contest.

Three times a bridesmaid, a year of waiting, and finally he became a beautiful bride beaming with smiles and yes, with an HIV positive aura!

Ladies and gentlemen please welcome our 1st ToC-produced, Area 1 Humorous champion, ACB/ALB Ruel D. Ontiveros.

Wait for the recipient and award the trophy

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