Friday, March 5, 2010

ACS - 1st Advance Manual Project #1: Progressing Toward Ultimate Success

Advance Manual : 226-N Special Occasion Speeches
Project # 1    : The Toast
Title          : Progressing Toward Ultimate Success
Delivered at   : Mutiara Restaurant, Toast of Comsofil Induction of Officers
Evaluated by   : ACB/ALB Jayanta Kumar Mog
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Silver

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In year 2001, the Computer Society of Filipinos (COMSOFIL) saw that there is a need to develop good speakers and leaders for the society. They realized that the Programs of the Toastmasters International can address this need.  This pave way to the birth of the a budding and dynamic club now known as the Toast of Comsofil.  True to its original objectives, TOC produces good speakers and leaders who became pillars and strength of COMSOFIL…  and to other organizations, as well. This year, we are fortunate to have a good crop of members and leaders that will steer the direction of the club.

Fellow toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. May I request each one of you to get a glass and let’s get ready for a toast.

May I ask TM Laureano Ortega to stand up.  TM Larry, the strength of your dedication will be the carpet, the floor of the club. With you as Sgt-at-Arms, we will be assured that we will always have a place for our meetings.

May I ask TM Modesto Gibas to stand up.  TM Moody, you are the light, the electricity of the club.  With you as s Treasurer, we will be assured that we pay our TI dues on time and always have these beautiful plaques and pins.

May I ask TM Marben Asari to stand up.  TM Marben, you are the chairs and tables of the club.  With you as Secretary, we will be assured that we can sit back, relax and enjoy.  That is because you will keep everyone updated – both officers and members

May I ask TM Jimmy Lasaca to stand up.  TM Jimmy, you are the windows of the club.  With you as VP for Public Relations, you will help us see the other Toastmasters clubs, and learn from these club.

May I ask TM Danilo Tenerife to stand up.  TM Danny, you are the door of the club.  With you as the VP for Membership, you will help this club grow in numbers.  With you as the door, many new members will certainly come to TOC.

May I ask TM Jovett Lopez to stand up.  TM Jovett, you are the walls of the club.  With you as the VP for Education, we will be assured that you will help us grow in our communication and leadership tracks.  As our walls, we will feel the comfort and safety inside TOC that we will not be ashamed and we will not be afraid to grow and became a good Toastmaster.

May I ask TM Janyanta Mog to stand up.  TM Jay, you are the heart of the club.  With your leadership as the president, we will be assured that no one will lose track, no one will feel insignificant, and no one will be left behind.   We are proud to say that your greatest asset is your “pusong pinoy”.  You will lead this club progressing towards ultimate success.

May I request the rest of the members and guest to please stand up.

Let’s raise our glasses, for a toast to the newly inducted officers of the Toast of Comsofil.  Cheers!

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