Thursday, April 8, 2010

ACS - 2nd Advance Manual Project #4: IT Service Continuity Management

Advance Manual : 226-B  Speaking to Inform
Project # 4    : A Fact Finding Report
Title          : IT Service Continuity Management
Delivered at   : Toast of Comsofil
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Benjie Cabaya
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Silver

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*  These speech was delivered impromptu, hence there was no prepared speech script
*  Use the slides below to follow the context of the presentation.
*  The speaker use these slides during his technical report at his workplace (office)
*  All data, person, organization mentioned in the presentation were changed due to confidentiality

<< Prologue: ask the Toastmaster of the Day to read the prologue script before starting>>

Setting where the speech will be delivered:

The speech will be delivered during the CRB Meeting – a weekly meeting for approval of project proposals, budget allocation, and change request approval.

Background of the Target Audience:

The CRB or Change Request Board is composed of decision makers from the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, and the Counsel of Ministries.   

Please note that all attendees of the briefing have the minimum technical knowledge and prior background of the subject/ project to be presented.   Only the department involve in the project are allowed to attend the briefing.

Perspective of the Presenter:

The speaker will be presenting a fact-finding report of a committee on the Disaster Recovery Status on the Kingdom’s IT Infrastructure.

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<< Actual speech/report starts here>>

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