Friday, April 9, 2010

ACG - 1st Advance Manual Project #2: Donatello & Donot-tell-you

Advance Manual : 226-A The Entertaining Speaker
Project # 2    : Resources for Entertainment
Title          : Donatello & Do-not-tell-you
Delivered at   : ToC Speechcraft Batch 3
Evaluated by   : ACB/ALB Jayanta Kumar Mog
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Gold

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  • I lost the original script for this prepared speech.
  • This speech was delivered twice
    • First, during the Ma'asalamah party of the Area 1 governor
    • Second, as a demonstration of a prepared speech during the third batch of Toast of Comsofil Speech craft.
  • Below is the close approximation on the outline of the speech
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  • Ask audience if they are familiar with the famous Sculpture Donatello
    • Brief hint of who is donatello - not the ninja turtle
    • "Did you know"... another famous sculpture donot-tell-you
    • Greet audience

  • Profile of Donatello
    • Italian sculpture, known in the medieval times, and he is famous
    • Describe his style of sculpture - 
      • starts from the top towards the base/foundation
      • face first, make it perfect then move to the body
      • this became the standard 
      • all other styles were gauge base on Donatello works
    • Finish product is perfect
    • Profile of Donot-tell-you
      • Italian sculpture, works in remote area, virtually unknown
      • Describe his style of sculpture
        • starts from the bottom towards the top
        • he argues that he wants to make sure foundation is solid before proceeding
        • his style was different and generally not accepted
      • Finish product is also perfect

    • Comparison of finish products
      • similar with almost no difference
      • both achieves their purpose

    • Toastmasters and individual styles
      • Indians do it differently
        • Focus on form, delivery, and structure
        • Positive feedback is highly encourage
        • More encouraging
      • Filipinos does it different
        • Focus on message and content
        • Constructive strong feedback is encourage
        • Less on positive - argues that the speakers will not grow on this
        • More on recommendation - argues that these are something that the speaker can benefit and can grow on
      • Finish product of both styles are same - perfect Toastmasters 

      • Lessons learned
        • Filipinos should not seek their own style among Indians, vis-a-vis
          • Adapt to the style of club, area, or culture
          • Arabs may need improvement on the command in language, but they are rich on ideas, confidence, etc
          • Read or understand beyond the black-and-white 
          • Try to fill yourself in their shoes
        • Leadership should be the bridge not the walls
          • Expose their clubs to others
          • Cross-membership (dual membership) with other nationalities
          • Pick up and learn from different clubs
        • We are here to learn, help and encourage each other, and provide a stage for improvement
          • Competition is not the main aspect of Toastmastering, growth is!

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