Thursday, October 21, 2010

ACG - 2nd Advance Manual Project #2: 12 Baloons for Valentines

Advance Manual : 226-K  Storytelling 
Project # 2    : Let's Get Personal
Title          : 12 Balloons for Valentines
Delivered at   : Filcom-IT Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Rod Ganzon
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Gold

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  • This was delivered as an impromptu speech, hence there was no prepared speech script
  • Unlike my other impromptu advance speeches where I was using visual aid, this time there was none.
  • The outline of my speech is shown below
  • Personally, I do not suggest delivering impromptu advance speeches unless you have wide  experience to do so.  Note that this speaker has won several awards in Table Topics contest in club level, area level and division level.
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  • Greet Audience Happy Valentines
    • After capturing attention, greet them good day/good evening
    • Share a personal story of falling in love, valentines day, and chocolates
    • Just to be different - no chocolates

  • My then girlfriend Pinky
    • Sweet, romantic and thoughtful
    • Looking forward on special days
  • Special Day - Valentines
    • Plans for the Valentines
    • Alibi about work
    • "As if"  I was forced to a date
      • I was wearing rugged jeans and shirt only
      • Pinky came in her best casual
    • I keep teasing her to give me my gift - she was carrying a bag with gift inside
  • Advance Preparation at the seaside restaurant
    • Reserve the place
    • Buy gifts
    • Buy 12 balloons
    • Attached 12 quotations from the Bible (1 Cor 13: 1-13)
  • Visit other places before going to the seaside restaurant
    • Tia Nanangs - too crowded  (I complained)
    • Consuelos - food not good  (I complained)
    • Mindys - too casual and not romantic  (Pinky complained)
  • "Just try" at the seaside restaurant
    • Place was full - many wait listed at the gate
    • I got in "kuno" via tips
    • Took the only table in the middle of the garden just beside the kidney shape pool
  • Pinky was wondering
    • Food was served right after we sat down
    • We did not order
    • We got the best seat/table in the place
  • Dinner - I excuse myself
    • 15 minutes later (after I finish my dinner) 
      • I came back in different clothes - formal dress
      • I brought a Valentines Card 
    • 10 minutes later (after she finish her dinner and while taking dessert)
      • I came back with my Valentines gift
    • 30 minutes later (after both of us finish dessert)
      • I said I will pay the bill
      • I came back with 12 red balloons and tied it in her hands
      • Everyone clap their hands
      • Change of music - ask her for a dance
    • She was very angry with me 
      • keeps pinching me on my side 
      • keeps stepping on my toes
      • keeps grasping my hands 
  • After the date
    • Kids came after her and ask for balloons
      • She didn't gave up any balloon
  • A very memorable night

  • Balloons left and indelible ink in our memories
  • We smile every time we saw balloons
  • Our kids loves balloons too
  • What is your best love memories?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ACG - 2nd Advance Manual Project #1: The Green Bottle

Advance Manual : 226-K  Storytelling 
Project # 1    : The Folk Tale
Title          : The Green Bottle
Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : ACB/ALB Roi Ontiveros
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Gold

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  • This speech was first delivered with Toast of Comsofil way back on Jun 25, 2009 under the same project #1 of manual 226-K.  This was credited to my ACB norm.
  • As per Toastmasters International academic award rules, you can repeat the same speech on the same manual provided it is not credited on the same norm.  This project will be credited to my ACG, hence this project was allowed.

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Set the mood of the story
“Once upon a time, a beautiful princess lives in a palace”.   Sounds familiar, isn’t?  I bet, it reminds you of those story-telling sessions with your mom, grandmothers or perhaps with your teacher.   Regardless of who told you the story, one thing is certain.  It evokes a great sense of adventure, excitement and fun onto you.

Good evening fellow Toastmasters and guests. 

Tonight, allow me bring you back to the fantasy world, and all I want you to do is sit back, relax, open your imagination, and enjoy.

Are you ready kids?

The Fisherman
Long, long time ago, there was an old fisherman who lives in a small town along the shores of the great Arabian Seas.   The fisherman was known for his wisdom and wit, and everything would have been perfect, except for his one strange behavior.  He cast his net only four times a day – no more, no less.

Often, he returns from the sea with a handful of fish, few mussels, and sea weeds. And then, he spends the rest of the day in his small hut waiting for sundown.  Nobody really can explain why the fisherman cast his net only four times in a day.  Some say he is in a hurry to go home so he can harness his thinking skills and wisdom, other jeers saying “he is just lazy”.   Whatever the reason was, only the fisherman knows.

A Gloomy Day
Then one gloomy day, the seas were rough.  The fisherman, don’t want to go fishing but he has no food, so he set sail.  

In the dark seas, the wind was howling and waves were tossing the boat.  The fisherman tossed his net.  He pulled it up – it was heavy - and found a dead donkey.   Angry, he started to curse the wind.  
The second time, he throws his net into the dark waters and netted a pitcher full of dirt.  He was furious, and started to curse the seas.  The third time, he throws his net into the dark waters.   He waited for few minutes and when he pulled it up; he found shards of pottery and glass.   He started to cry!   The gods must have punished me!

 “This is it, my last throw”, he murmured.  Slow and steady, he kissed his nets with a good luck kiss and then throws it wide into the dark waters.  He waited for several minutes and then when he pulled it up, he found an exotic bottle that had a seal of Solomon on it.

The fisherman was happy! He could sell the bottle and make some money.  But he became curious of the seal and he thought something precious might be inside.  He broke the seal with his knife and to his surprise and plume of smoke come out of the bottle and condenses into a huge green man.

The Jinni
In a thunderous voice, the green man shouted “I am the Jinni of the bottle! Who dares to set me free?”

The fisherman was very frightened and tried to hide with the net.

But the Jinni saw him, pick him up, and held him into the air.   “So you are the one who set me free”.   “When I was imprisoned in the bottle, I promised”.  “In my first century, I will reward anyone who set me free with riches beyond imagination”.   “In my second century in the bottle, I bowed to reward anyone who set me free with good health, riches and the entire world to rule”.   “On my 3rd century, I promised to grant anyone who set me free with 3 wishes of his choices”.   “After 4 centuries and nobody has set me free, I bowed to kill anyone who set me free”!  “Waaahhhhaahahahaah”.

The fisherman was so frightened and he even peed in his pants.   Yet after few minutes, he was able to gather his strength and answered calmly.  “Oh great one!   You are indeed mighty and powerful.  It is my honor to die in your hands.   Please put down so I can prepare myself and make myself worthy”.
The Jinni was amused with the answer of the fisherman. So he put him back to his boat.
While cleaning up himself, the fisherman asked the Jinni.  

“Oh mighty one, before I die indulge me to witness your power and magnificence”.  “Calm down the storm because I cannot clean up myself with a rocking boat.”   

“Hahaha… oh human!  You of little faith!   Witness my glory and power”!    In one snap, the storm cleared up.

“Oh mighty one, you are so powerful and mighty.  Forgive me for my ignorance, but how would it be possible for you to fit in this small bottle?  You are so huge!”

“You dare to question my power!”    A great lightning and thunder filled the air. 

“Forgive me oh might one, I am just human and I could not comprehend your power”!

“You fool!  I’ll show you how I could fit in the bottle”.    

The Jinni shrunk himself and transformed into a smoke-like entity and entered into the bottle.   The fisherman immediately jumped on the bottle and sealed it, trapping the Jinni back into the bottle.   It was already late when the Jinni realized that he was tricked by the fisherman.

The fisherman held the bottle and look at the Jinni inside. 

“After setting you free, you wanted to kill me. Is that what you reward me for setting you free”?   he shouted.

The fisherman extended his arms and get ready to throw the bottle back into the sea, when he heard the Jinni cried and pleaded.  Curious, the fisherman stopped and look inside the bottle.   He found the remorseful Jinni explained that he was not bad and he was just angry for his ordeal.  To convince the fisherman, the Jinni started to tell the story as an example of the why he should be spared.

The fisherman put down the bottle and started listening to the story of the “Sultan and the Medicine Man”.

Opps…. That’s another story, isn’t?   Next time, children.  For now, let settle down and let our evening master proceed with the show.

Back to you evening master!