Advance Manual : 226-A The Entertaining Speaker
Project # 4 : A Dramatic Talk
Title : Now I Can Speak
Delivered at : ToC Speechcraft Batch 3
Evaluated by : CC/CL Laureano Ortega
Target Norm : Advance Communicator Gold
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- This is my second impromptu speech delivered at the 3rd Batch of Speechcraft of Toast of Comsofil
- Personally, I do not suggest delivering impromptu advance speeches unless you have wide experience to do so. Note that this speaker has won several awards in Table Topics contest in club level, area level, division level, and was the 2nd place winner in the Quick Wit Marathon contest.
- Below is the outline of the speech
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- Ask a question "Have you ever been to a situation where you are loosing an argument simply because you don't know how to explain yourself"?
- Salutation
- This could happen between you and your boss, between two lovers, between two married couple
- For me: between me and my mother
- Story of Jorge the silent
- Tortured soul because he was forbidden to speak
- Uncles who are hyenas - snarls all the time
- Aunties who are chimpanzees - talks all the time and never listen
- Grandparents who insults his looks - he is different
- Non-supportive parents
- Father who is a lion - never talk, just look with sharp eyes
- Mother who is a broken record - talk the same thing all the time
- Bullies in the neighborhood
- Beaten because he is mis-understood
- Teased because he cannot speak straight
- Avoided and outcast because he think differently
- Supportive sisters
- Help clean his wounds
- Play with him and talk with him
- Growing up
- Bullies in the school
- Seatmate was cheating - I turned the other way
- I was wrongly accused of cheating - I didn't squeal
- I got a fail mark in my grades
- Crushes
- Rejected - I cannot say a word
- If only
- I could express myself - I would be understood
- I could explain what happened - I will never have a fail grade
- I was brave enough so say what I feel - I may have a love life
- The will to learn to speak
- Starts from college
- Right after I put to shame by my instructor
- Join civic/community organization to learn to interact with people
- Embrace teaching
- Made a lot of mistake - grammar and sentence
- Didn't surrender
- My journey with Toastmasters
- Icebreaker to advance manuals - ACS
- Leadership training
- My new self
- I am still "shy" - relatively
- I gain confidence
- Now, I can talk - talk about myself, talk about the world, and what is inside my mind
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