Thursday, December 31, 2009

ACB 2nd Advance Manual Project #5: Scalar Energy:  Concepts & Applications

Advance Manual : 226-H Technical Presentation
Project # 4    : Presenting a Technical Paper w/ Internet
Title          : Scalar Energy: Concepts & Applications
Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Meynard Austria
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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Good Evening.

Fellow Toastmasters, engineers, scientist and students thank you for coming.  My name is Engineer Amores and I am here tonight to do a technical presentation about Scalar Energy, it’s concept and potential applications.

Few days ago, I sent you several correspondences via email and I hope that you receive it and read it as well.  I have explained in my email the basic concept and theory behind Scalar Energy.  I also include some historical background on the evolution of the theory starting from James Maxwell up the Thomas Bearden.

Let me see, who among you here read and understand the content of the email?

For the benefit of those who don’t have emails, let’s take a quick look on the concept of Scalar Energy.
Scalar Energy is a subset of a large complex set of theory known as Scalar Field Theory.  Scalar Field theory, we believe, is the missing partner of the generally known Vector Field Theory.     For most of us, Engineers, we are familiar with the Vector Field Theory and for sure we know by the heart the Maxwell Equation – with the Heaviside Form.
Scalar Field Theory, on the other hand uses the original form of the Maxwell’s equation also known as the Quartenion form.    There are 20 equations in the original Maxwell’s equation and here are some of those equations.  
As of today, no one has deciphered or simplified the equations into a simple mathematical form and we are hoping we – you and me – could achieve that, in our lifetime.

 Before we proceed, let me briefly talk about Vector Field Theory first for two reasons:  1st – for us to appreciate what is cold – we need t understand what is hot, and 2nd we show that we can produce Scalar Field using Vector Field.

Graphically, Vector EM can be represented where Magnetism is tangential to Electricity. When the electric field is moved, the magnetic field also follows on the tangential direction.  This is the principled used on how to rotate a motor when electricity is applied.  Likewise when magnetic field is moved, the electric field also follows on the tangential direction.  This is the principle used on generating electricity out of generators.

You could say, the modern technology that we knew today is basically governed by Vector Field Theory.

 If we understand that Vector EM Wave is Magnetism & Electricity that moves along a specific path, Scalar EM wave is defined as Magnetism & Electricity that does not move.

Scalar EM Waves are produced when two opposing Vector EM Wave are generated exactly opposite to each other.

Imagine a bottle where you fill it with water from one side, you will notice the wave or direction on how it is filled up.  If you apply the water on the other side of the bottle, the wave will cancel each other and hence you will observe that the water will no longer be moving.  However, it will still fill up the bottle.

Hmm… electromagnetic wave that does not move!  So is it in for you and me?   What makes Scalar EM Wave important is because of its properties.

*  Scalar Energy expands outwards in circles of energy
*  Tends to fill its environment
*  Capable of passing through solid matter
*  Capable of carrying information
*  Do not decay over time or distance

These properties of Scalar EM Waves offer great potential in several applications.   For example, the 1st property: it expands outward in circles of Energy.  Known possible application for Scalar EM Waves would in health sciences. 

Studies conducted at Max Planck Institute showed that when Scalar Energy is applied to living cells, it promotes un-clumping of cells.  For example: in a disease state or an injury, there will always be swelling and stasis in the blood and lymphatic circulation.  Red and white blood cells tend to clump together.  However when the scalar energy is applied to the body, the scalar wave improves the bio-field radiating outside the body and works internally permeating the body’s tissues.   The expansive effect causes relation and dilation of the peripheral blood vessels.

There are other claimed benefits of Scalar EM waves.  Though this is not yet fully verified in a controlled environment, the following are some of the most notable claims.

Another potential application of Scalar Energy that stirs up the scientific community few years back is the area of Power Generation.  Scalar Energy when properly harnessed can generate perpetual energy.  A free energy if you may call.  Scientifically, it can be shown that Scalar Energy draws its source from the non-observable EM Waves generated by the Vacuum’s Active Virtual State.   It is mathematically presented as Energy equals the change time multiplied by the square of the speed of light.  Graphically, it can be represented in quartenion frame where j or time is the fourth dimension.

Nosebleed?  In layman’s term, imagine a stack of paper (frame) with sequential drawing.  When you flip the paper faster, the image will appear to be moving but in reality, it doesn’t.  Scalar Energy does not move, but as it time progresses… it will appears to be moving if you get out of the space-time dimension that we are right now.

The property of Scalar EM Waves to pass through solid matter may find a usable application in the field of telecommunications and electronics.  Vector EM waves that your cellphone receives is highly dependent on location and physical clearance. Do we have a signal inside this room?  Perhaps there is but it is likely it is low or poor, but try to get out and you would easily notice a change – there is a better signal outside.

With scalar EM waves, it is possible to generate signals from Riyadh to the Philippines… not over the curvature of the earth but through the earth’s core. Sounds amazing, isn’t?

Let’s review.  We know that we can generate a scalar energy from two vector energy of two opposing directions.   By moving the angular displacements of the vector waves, you can control the size and location where the scalar energy will appear. 

This will serve as the control mechanism for scalar energy – a switch if you would like!

As of today, the only known weapon that employs scalar energy is called the Tesla Howitzers.  This weapon has two modes.  

The first mode is called Exothermic which increases the energy level on the area of scalar field.  Energy level may reach critical level such that it will induce chain reaction similar to a mini atom bomb.

Of course, the area can be as small as a head of a pin or as large as the city of Riyadh.

The second mode is called the Endothermic mode.  Instead of increasing the energy on the affected area, it will suck out the energy that may severely affect weather and geological activity.

Is this weapon real?

There had been several evidences compiled to prove its existence but these were all denied.  The famous woodpecker grid was discovered when two vector energy waves were discovered from Siberia and from Netherlands… and the intersecting area is just above the US archipelago.
The US accused the Russians for generating the woodpecker grid.

The US on the other had had their HAARP project which is located in northern Alaska.  A project they claimed intended for studying longitudinal waves in the ionosphere.

 For the less advance civilization such as ours, we wonder: is Scalar Energy real?

•    It lacks mathematical foundation
•    It is not observable
•    Will violate the laws of electromagnetics
•    Not validated by refutable scientific institution
•    No commercial or “build-able” model available

Before you make your own conclusion, just remember: Isaac Newton was laugh at when he introduces Calculus in the world of Geometry and Algebra.  Galileo Galilei almost died when he proved that the sun is the center of the known universe.

For me, Scalar Energy it’s real… we just need time to prove it.

Back to you evening master!

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