Sunday, August 9, 2009

ACS - 2nd Advance Manual Project #1: Selecting Speech Topic

Advance Manual : 226-B  Speaking to Inform
Project # 1    : The Speech to Inform
Title          : Selecting Speech Topic 
Delivered at   : Speechcraft with Ginoo & Binibining Pilipinas Candidates at Al Taj International School
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Jose Bollozos
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Silver

     *     *     *     *     *     *

*  This speech was delivered impromptu with Visual Aide.  
*  The speaker did not make a prepared speech
*  Use the slides below to give you an idea how the speech was delivered
*  The evaluator suggested to include the TM adage of:  No Sex, No Politics, No Religion

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