Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ACB 2nd Advance Manual Project #2: Visa and Checkpoint Authority

Advance Manual : 226-H Technical Presentation
Project # 2    : The Proposal
Title          : Visa and Checkpoint Authority
Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Gerardo Villaraiz
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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Prologue:  (the Toastmaster of the Day must read this before the speakers starts the speech)

Background of the Target Audience:

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, all technical proposal are discussed for validation, approval or rejection.   A technical proposal can only be discussed if the technical briefing, which should be conducted a week earlier, has been approved by the department heads. Audiences of the technical proposals are composed mainly of engineers, planners, and line managers.  Department head and decision makers may attend the meeting but are not required. 

Please note that all attendees of the briefing has the minimum technical knowledge and prior background of the subject/ project to be presented.   Only the department involve in the project are allowed to attend the briefing

All names, entity and information discussed in this speech are fictitious.  Any semblance to a real entity is coincidental or was intended to give the speech a pinch of realism.

Possible Questions (you may provide this to the audience):
1.    How did you arrived the estimate budget of SR500 Million
2.    In your proposal, you recommended to establish three platform: Mainframe, Unix & Windows.  Is it possible to just focus on one platform, say for example pure Mainframe or pure Windows?
3.    You did not mention how many machines should we purchase for Mainframe, Unix & Windows?   Can you give us a figure?
4.    Can you elaborate more on the Integrated Workstations?  Is this different from our current desktop PC?
5.    When the VCA IT System became fully functional, what will happen to the IT System of Ministry of Interior and IT System of Ministry of Labor?
•    Follow Up question:  What will happen to the programmers and engineers on those two systems?
6.     Under the existing MOI services, you mentioned about Biometrics & ePortal.  How is this related to Visa & Permits?
7.    What the impact of VCA IT Systems to local citizens?
8.    In our existing labor laws, all sponsors pays a bond to the Ministry of Labor for all issued Visa.  The bond had stayed in the government for over 20 years now.  Will the sponsors be able to collect the bond plus the interest?
9.    What do you mean, “deployment overseas”
10.    Who prepared this technical proposal?  Is my department consulted about this?

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 (Speakers delivers the speech)

Managers, fellow consultants, gentlemen... good evening.

Last week, we presented to you a technical briefing on the result of the study that was commissioned to check the feasibility of centralizing the Work Permit, Visa and Checkpoint controls in the Kingdom.  I understand, you all saw the correspondence issued by the Chamber of Commerce endorsing the creation of a entity that would handle all the centralized tasks.

We concluded last week, that there is a need for the creation of an entity called the Visa & Checkpoint Authority (VCA).  This new government entity will would be responsible and would handle all matters involving: Visa, Work Permit, Border & Checkpoints controls

To implement the creation of the VCA, we divided the task into three major project slices:
•    Streamlining of existing work functions among civilian Bureaus and military Agencies
•    Building Infrastructure & Site Location
•    Information Technology  Infrastructure and Support

Tonight, I will discuss in details the 3rd slice – the Information Technology Infrastructure & Support.

The primary of objective of the 3rd Slice is the creation of VCA IT Systems.   This new system aims to consolidate the existing but distinct IT systems from the Ministry of Interior – MOI Information System; and from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs – MOL Verification System.

Once the integration is complete, all information regarding Passports, Iqama, Visa, Work Permits, and Checkpoint Controls will be accessed through the VCA Systems.

Required IT Infrastructure

For the first 5 years of VCA implementation, we will need an estimated SR500 Million to build the integrated IT system.  The components of these systems would be as follows:

Hardware & Operating Systems:
•    Mainframe Systems            - zOS by IBM
•    Unix Systems            - Sun Solaris
•    Server Based systems        - Windows 2003/2008
•    Integrated Workstations        - WinXP w/ IBM5230 & Citrix emulators

Middle Tier  System:
•    WebSphere Suite    - integrated middle ware application

•    Oracle
•    MS SQL
•    Mainframe DB

Application Profile:
•    Integrated Applications  by Computer Science Corporation
•    Custom Application by ZFP Corporation

Link Connectivity:
•    Intranet via Wide Area Network
•    IP-VPN / Satellite / GPRS


The above IT infrastructure would serve as a bridge to the existing IT Systems of the two ministries involved in the creation of VCA.

Existing IT Infrastructure

Let us identify our existing Information Technology Infrastructure that have  direct involvement with VISA, Passports, Iqama, Border & Checkpoints.

Ministry of Interior

NIC is currently the sole entity that provides link and information on matters regarding:
•    Iqama
•    Passport
•    Bio-metrics

Hardware & Operating Systems Profile:
•    Mainframes             - zOS using IBM version       
•    Unix Systems            - Sun Solaris
•    Server Based systems        - Windows 2003/2008
•    Client Server systems        - Citrix Systems
•    Dumb Terminal            - IBM5230 emulator

Middle Tier  Profile:
•    WebSphere     MQ    - middle tier messaging system between stations & servers
•    WebSphere AS    - middle tier application server between stations & servers

Database Profile:
•    Mainframe DB
•    MS SQL

Application Profile:
•    Custom Made Applications:  Mainframe & Unix Systems
•    Computer Science Corporation Applications : Windows Systems

Link Connectivity:
•    Intranet via Wide Area Network
•    IP-VPN

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Control all information regarding manpower planning, general monitoring of employment situation, labor permits, work visas, and visa sponsorship

Hardware & Operating Systems Profile:
•    Linux Systems                - Sun Solaris
•    Server Based systems            - Windows 2003/2008
•    Client Server systems            - Thin Client
•    Workstations                - Windows XP

Middle Tier  Profile:
•    None

Application Profile:
•    Custom Made Applications
•    SAP Systems

Database Profile:
•    Oracle

Link Connectivity:
•    Thin Client via Local Network

The VCA IT Systems is the consolidated applications and infrastructures of the two systems.

Implementation Time Table: 

1st Year:      
    Jan – Jun    -    installation of Servers
    Jun – Dec    -    installation of Software and applications
    Jun – Dec    -    installation of Network Links

2nd Year:   
Jan – Mar     -    integration with the Ministry of Interior Systems
    Apr – Jun     -    integration with the Ministry of Labor Systems
    Jul – Dec     -    testing, live simulated test, and modification

3rd Year:         Jan – Mar     -    Live production run:  businessmen / tourist  + dependents
    Apr – May     -    Live production run:  medical / engineers + dependents
    Jun – Dec     -    Live production run:  domestic workers / labor workers

Consolidation and Centralization

The second phase of the implementation of VCA is the centralization of all information into one system.  The proposed time table for the migration of system into VCA is as follows
Implementation Time Table: 

4th Year:      Jan – Mar    -    iqama         :  MOI  VCA
    May – Jun    -    passports     :  MOI  VCA
    Jul – Dec    -    visa permits     :  MOL  VCA

5TH year:         -    all iqama/passports/visa will be centralized at VCA

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