Tuesday, April 14, 2009

CC Project #10 - prologue

Background of the Target Audience:

The Pinoygraphers, or PG as they call themselves, is an organization of All Filipino Photographers which based in Singapore. It was founded on April 23, 2007 with initial membership of less than a dozen.

Today, it has grown to over 200 members across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Thailand, the Philippines, USA, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Current State of the Group

July 2008: Glennboi, the de facto leader, left the group with a heavy heart. He has issues with some members involving personal matters.

Nov 2008: Bhong88 assumed the leadership but was plague with insubordination because of leadership issues

Jan 2009: S_o_J finished the draft of Constitution and By-laws.

Mar 2009: Five members of ExeCom resigned due to irreconcilable difference with the current leadership. Three more members tendered their resignation with effective date of Apr 26, 2009

Members Complains

Indifference among members specially with the newbie

Objective of the Speech:

· Inspire someone to take the leadership of the group

· Inspire old members to return and participate

· Inspire new members to be more active

<< Introduction for the Speaker >>

Good evening fellow Pinoygraphers.

We have a special guest tonight. You know him in the forum as Sons_of_Jorge or SoJ. And, I believe over 50% of the members had been a “victim” of his balance comments, soul-full encouragements, and hard-hitting critiques. He wrote most of our write-ups, newsletters, and articles that were published in DPP & Mabuhay Magazines.

One of the founders of PG, my photo-buddy, please welcome our brother from the land of the sands & camels…


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