Thursday, December 31, 2009

ACB 2nd Advance Manual Project #5: Scalar Energy:  Concepts & Applications

Advance Manual : 226-H Technical Presentation
Project # 4    : Presenting a Technical Paper w/ Internet
Title          : Scalar Energy: Concepts & Applications
Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Meynard Austria
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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Good Evening.

Fellow Toastmasters, engineers, scientist and students thank you for coming.  My name is Engineer Amores and I am here tonight to do a technical presentation about Scalar Energy, it’s concept and potential applications.

Few days ago, I sent you several correspondences via email and I hope that you receive it and read it as well.  I have explained in my email the basic concept and theory behind Scalar Energy.  I also include some historical background on the evolution of the theory starting from James Maxwell up the Thomas Bearden.

Let me see, who among you here read and understand the content of the email?

For the benefit of those who don’t have emails, let’s take a quick look on the concept of Scalar Energy.
Scalar Energy is a subset of a large complex set of theory known as Scalar Field Theory.  Scalar Field theory, we believe, is the missing partner of the generally known Vector Field Theory.     For most of us, Engineers, we are familiar with the Vector Field Theory and for sure we know by the heart the Maxwell Equation – with the Heaviside Form.
Scalar Field Theory, on the other hand uses the original form of the Maxwell’s equation also known as the Quartenion form.    There are 20 equations in the original Maxwell’s equation and here are some of those equations.  
As of today, no one has deciphered or simplified the equations into a simple mathematical form and we are hoping we – you and me – could achieve that, in our lifetime.

 Before we proceed, let me briefly talk about Vector Field Theory first for two reasons:  1st – for us to appreciate what is cold – we need t understand what is hot, and 2nd we show that we can produce Scalar Field using Vector Field.

Graphically, Vector EM can be represented where Magnetism is tangential to Electricity. When the electric field is moved, the magnetic field also follows on the tangential direction.  This is the principled used on how to rotate a motor when electricity is applied.  Likewise when magnetic field is moved, the electric field also follows on the tangential direction.  This is the principle used on generating electricity out of generators.

You could say, the modern technology that we knew today is basically governed by Vector Field Theory.

 If we understand that Vector EM Wave is Magnetism & Electricity that moves along a specific path, Scalar EM wave is defined as Magnetism & Electricity that does not move.

Scalar EM Waves are produced when two opposing Vector EM Wave are generated exactly opposite to each other.

Imagine a bottle where you fill it with water from one side, you will notice the wave or direction on how it is filled up.  If you apply the water on the other side of the bottle, the wave will cancel each other and hence you will observe that the water will no longer be moving.  However, it will still fill up the bottle.

Hmm… electromagnetic wave that does not move!  So is it in for you and me?   What makes Scalar EM Wave important is because of its properties.

*  Scalar Energy expands outwards in circles of energy
*  Tends to fill its environment
*  Capable of passing through solid matter
*  Capable of carrying information
*  Do not decay over time or distance

These properties of Scalar EM Waves offer great potential in several applications.   For example, the 1st property: it expands outward in circles of Energy.  Known possible application for Scalar EM Waves would in health sciences. 

Studies conducted at Max Planck Institute showed that when Scalar Energy is applied to living cells, it promotes un-clumping of cells.  For example: in a disease state or an injury, there will always be swelling and stasis in the blood and lymphatic circulation.  Red and white blood cells tend to clump together.  However when the scalar energy is applied to the body, the scalar wave improves the bio-field radiating outside the body and works internally permeating the body’s tissues.   The expansive effect causes relation and dilation of the peripheral blood vessels.

There are other claimed benefits of Scalar EM waves.  Though this is not yet fully verified in a controlled environment, the following are some of the most notable claims.

Another potential application of Scalar Energy that stirs up the scientific community few years back is the area of Power Generation.  Scalar Energy when properly harnessed can generate perpetual energy.  A free energy if you may call.  Scientifically, it can be shown that Scalar Energy draws its source from the non-observable EM Waves generated by the Vacuum’s Active Virtual State.   It is mathematically presented as Energy equals the change time multiplied by the square of the speed of light.  Graphically, it can be represented in quartenion frame where j or time is the fourth dimension.

Nosebleed?  In layman’s term, imagine a stack of paper (frame) with sequential drawing.  When you flip the paper faster, the image will appear to be moving but in reality, it doesn’t.  Scalar Energy does not move, but as it time progresses… it will appears to be moving if you get out of the space-time dimension that we are right now.

The property of Scalar EM Waves to pass through solid matter may find a usable application in the field of telecommunications and electronics.  Vector EM waves that your cellphone receives is highly dependent on location and physical clearance. Do we have a signal inside this room?  Perhaps there is but it is likely it is low or poor, but try to get out and you would easily notice a change – there is a better signal outside.

With scalar EM waves, it is possible to generate signals from Riyadh to the Philippines… not over the curvature of the earth but through the earth’s core. Sounds amazing, isn’t?

Let’s review.  We know that we can generate a scalar energy from two vector energy of two opposing directions.   By moving the angular displacements of the vector waves, you can control the size and location where the scalar energy will appear. 

This will serve as the control mechanism for scalar energy – a switch if you would like!

As of today, the only known weapon that employs scalar energy is called the Tesla Howitzers.  This weapon has two modes.  

The first mode is called Exothermic which increases the energy level on the area of scalar field.  Energy level may reach critical level such that it will induce chain reaction similar to a mini atom bomb.

Of course, the area can be as small as a head of a pin or as large as the city of Riyadh.

The second mode is called the Endothermic mode.  Instead of increasing the energy on the affected area, it will suck out the energy that may severely affect weather and geological activity.

Is this weapon real?

There had been several evidences compiled to prove its existence but these were all denied.  The famous woodpecker grid was discovered when two vector energy waves were discovered from Siberia and from Netherlands… and the intersecting area is just above the US archipelago.
The US accused the Russians for generating the woodpecker grid.

The US on the other had had their HAARP project which is located in northern Alaska.  A project they claimed intended for studying longitudinal waves in the ionosphere.

 For the less advance civilization such as ours, we wonder: is Scalar Energy real?

•    It lacks mathematical foundation
•    It is not observable
•    Will violate the laws of electromagnetics
•    Not validated by refutable scientific institution
•    No commercial or “build-able” model available

Before you make your own conclusion, just remember: Isaac Newton was laugh at when he introduces Calculus in the world of Geometry and Algebra.  Galileo Galilei almost died when he proved that the sun is the center of the known universe.

For me, Scalar Energy it’s real… we just need time to prove it.

Back to you evening master!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ACB 2nd Advance Manual Project #4: Scalar Energy: Theory & Principles

Advance Manual : 226-H Technical Presentation
Project # 4    : Presenting a Technical Paper
Title          : Scalar Energy: Theory & Principles
Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Evaluated by   : CC/CL Meynard Austria
Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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I am pretty sure; most of us here knows or at least heard about the oil crisis in 2007-2008. Prices of oil shot to almost $150 per barrel.  The feel the crippling effect when the prices of our basic commodities and utilities started to increase by hundred folds.

In the Philippines, there was a standing a joke that is it is necessary to take some medicines before going to a gasoline stations, lest you might encounter heart attack once the bill for a full-tank comes out.
In Saudi Arabia though, we didn’t feel this pain because gasoline is subsidized… and likewise our food.

Good evening fellow toastmasters and guests.

Energy!  The single most precious commodity that everyone needs in this planet!
The quest for the energy source is not new.  Even our ancient forefathers had the same problem.  During their times, the source of energy was man himself, animal, and eventually they progressed and created ingenious tool which enables them to produce energy from wood, coal, steam, hydro, and etc. 

In the 18th century, we discovered black gold – or oil as the new source of energy.  And by 19th century, scientists harness the atom which leads to the extraction of huge amount of energy via nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Yet all of the above sources of known energy are finite and exhaustible.  Man still dream of an ultimate source of energy!
Tonight Fellow Toastmasters, let me share to you an article about Scalar Energy – dubbed as the new source of Energy for the future.  I will be discussing the theory behind it and its potential applications!

What is Scalar Energy?
Scalar Energy is a subset of the set of theories commonly known as the Scalar Field Theory.  This theory was made popular by Thomas E. Bearden a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army who claims to be "active in the study of scalar electromagnetics, advanced electrodynamics, unified field theory, and overunity systems".
Bearden created a big stir in the scientific community during the 1980s when he claimed that the current Maxwell’s Equation is not complete as it only considers the Vector Field component and discarded the Scalar Field Component of Electromagnetism.   Bearden further engage the scientific community when he daringly proposes an Over Unity Theory by combining the theory of Gravitation, Vector Electromagnetics, and his proposed Scalar Electromagnetics.

Before going further into Scalar Energy, let me review the basic principles behind the Vector Field Theory.   There are four equations that govern the behavior of the Vector Fields and these are commonly known as the Maxwell’s Equations.

These four equations are commonly known as the Gauss’ Law for Electricity, Gauss’ Law for Magnetism, Faraday’s Law of Induction, and Ampere’s Law.

The mathematical representations of these equations are as follows.   (see slide)

Graphical representation of the Vector Field Theory shows the tangential relationship between the Magnetic Field and Electric Field over a specific direction of propagation.  Practically all models of our energy sources were derived from this theory.  An example would be a motor which when properly controlled, generates electricity when the magnetic field is manipulated.  In the same principle, a rotor generates magnetic field when the electric field is manipulated.

Vector Electromagnetics basically defines everything that made us “modern”.  Thus when the concept of Scalar Electromagnetics was introduced, this was “snubbed” and was relegated as pseudoscience. Bearden explained that a Scalar Electromagnetic can be created when two common generated by having two oscillations anti-parallel with each other, each originating from opposite charge sources.    When the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other leaving a static or stationary form of energy and zero frequency.

Scalar Field Theory predicted that with the cancellation of the net direction, the electromagnetic wave will not propagate over a three dimensional space.   Imagine the waves not as running along wire or shooting out in beams, but a wave that tends to “fill” its environment.  In layman’s term, imagine these wave as heat or temperature (not direction) rather than light with direction.

What makes scalar electromagnetic remarkable is because of the following properties:
1.    Scalar Energy does not radiate as waves but expands outwards in circles of energy
2.    Instead of being focused in beams or running along wires, it tends to fill its environment
3.    They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter and implant its signature on them
4.    This energy has the capacity to carry information
5.    Scalar Energy do not decay over time or distance from their source
The first two characteristics of the Scalar Energy is obvious and may not require observations.  Characteristics 3 & 4 draw skepticism as this claims cannot be measured  but Scalar defenders claims that the current instruments were designed to measure vector properties such as frequency and wavelengths. The scientific community deeply criticize the claims of Scalar Energy that does not decay of time or distance as this will directly violates the 1st law of Thermodynamics – which is the conservation of energy, that is, the sum of all energy is zero.   The claim will create a new paradigm that the sum of all energy is infinity!

Is this possible?   Probably!

Bearden in his book Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles  claims that non observable EM energy flux can be extracted or derived from vacuum’s active virtual state.   In layman’s parlance, Bearden introduces the facet of the 4th dimension – which is time – in the 3 dimensional space of our reality, as the source of energy.
Bearden based his claims on the original Maxwell Manuscript which includes the concept of complex numbers in the Quartenion Matrix.  He posits that the three variables x-y-z represents the Euclidian space and j as the time variable.
Using the basic properties of complex numbers
                -j -> j     is the change of time
This can also be represented as
                -t ->≈  ∆t  
Note that time has no direction and is a scalar quantity, hence the equation is still in its scalar form.

The prediction of Scalar Energy  is not new.  When James Clerk Maxwell publish his work “A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism” in 1873, Maxwell presented the principles and theory for Electromagnetics using 20 variables.  This resulted to the original 20 Maxwell Equations.
Maxwell’s student named John Henry Poynting made a breakthrough on the magnitude and direction of Electromagnetics.  His work was later known as the Poynting Vector.
Independent from Poynting, another brilliant mathematician named Oliver Heaviside co-discovered the Poynting Vector.  Heaviside further simplified the original 20 equations by dropping the number of variables from 20 to 2.  He argued that 16 equations were expressed in complex number which includes imaginary number – something that may not be manifested in a real world.  Beside, only the real numbers are observable and can be proven as truth.
Heaviside’s successfully “summarized” Maxwell’s work into four equations which now governs the now known Electromagnetic Theory.  In essence, according to Bearden, Heaviside drastically reduces and not summarize Maxwell’s work.  He throw away the Scalar portion of the Electromagnetics.

In 1905, Nicola Tesla while working on an experiment on Transverse Wave Interference in New York, he accidentally discovered the existence of Scalar Energy.   The inadvertently set the two interferometer into -180x0 degrees at each other.  Tesla notice a large absence of Transverse  Wave on the joined area of the two interferometer.  He recreated this discovery in his laboratory in Colorado and predicted the existence of the Longitudinal Wave Interference – now known as the Scalar Waves.

Tesla observed the four characteristics of this “newly found field” as follows.     (see slide)
The new discovery did not dwell in the Physics community at that time. Few years back, Tesla himself pioneered in the commercial application of the Vector Electromagnetics.  Together with George Westinghouse, they build the largest AC Power Generator of the world.  The power was used to light up the entire East Coast of the USA.
He was mocked and branded “crazy” because of his sudden departure in the widely accepted Vector Theory.  His foremost enemy Thomas Alba Edison – who just lost the DC Power Generation as a standard – accused him as a mad scientist. Tesla’s work on Scalar Field was never made known to the public.

Other independent Scalar Energy but did not understood the phenomenon.   Semyon Kirlian discovered that at very high voltage an object can emit small corona discharges.  The discharge changes as the voltage changes. 
Bearden claimed that this is a manifestation of a Scalar Wave that carries signature or information across an object.

Of the five characteristics of a Scalar Energy, the claim that it does not decay over time gained the most notoriety.

In 1998, Bearden and his colleagues developed the schematics of the a machine they called Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG).  They claimed that MEG can “power up” a bulb without an aid of external power source… just the MEG alone.

Years later, hobbyist and amateur physicist claimed that they have duplicated the MEG prototype with little or no modification on the original schematics.

Despite numerous publications, lectures, and claims of proof Scalar Energy – until now – is never been recognized in the Scientific Community.
Is Scalar Energy Real?  Skeptics and criticize Scalar Field theory as
•    It has no mathematical foundation – vector has Maxwell-Heaviside Equations
•    The claimed Longitudinal Waves is not observable
•    It violates the current Laws of Electromagnetics
•    No validated by refutable scientific institution
•    No commercial or “build-able” model available

If… just if… Scalar Energy is true, think of the impact it can bring to the world.
•    Free energy.  Oil will become obsolete
•    Communication signal that can cross any physical hindrance
•    Unthinkable power of Tesla Howitzers.  Ability to control weather
•    Cures diseases

In closing, let me remind you of the following scientist:
•    Isaac Newtown was initially branded crazy when he invented Calculus
•    Galileo Galilei was tried, beaten up and put under lifetime house arrest for his heliocentric model of the universe
•    Albert Einstein was ridiculed and was outcast while starting the theory of relativity
•    Max Planck during  initially had a bitter fight with Einstein because of his Quantum Theory

    I believe that Scalar Energy is real!  How about you?

    Back to you evening master!

    Thursday, November 12, 2009

    ACB 2nd Advance Manual Project #3: Lights to Pixel

    Advance Manual : 226-H Technical Presentation
    Project # 3    : The Non Technical Audience
    Title          : Lights to Pixel
    Delivered at   : Toast of Comsofil Toastmasters Club
    Evaluated by   : ACB/CL Salvador Villalino
    Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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    <<slide 1>>
    Who among you here, has seen a digital camera?  Or should I say, how many of us here has at least one digital camera. It could be a Point-and-Shoot camera, a miniature camera from a cell phone or a high end one a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera.  And I would bet… all us has one way or another,  has used a digital camera.  

    Good evening fellow toastmasters and guests.

    How about reversing the question.  How many of us here has seen or used a film-based camera?  Let me some hands.   Gee… there are still quite a few of us who belongs to the Jurassic Era of photography. 

    <<slide 2>>
    Do you still remember that few years ago, camera often looks likes these… and you would carry a bunch of small rolls called films which you load to your camera before taking pictures?

    And you would always make sure that every shot you made counts because you are limited to the number of film you have at hand?   Of course, we all can relate.  Besides, we are in the same age bracket.  Isn’t it?

    <<slide 3>>
    Lately, you may have seen some gizmos or small apparatus that take pictures but in a rather different way.  Young adult and even teenagers regularly carry a small Point-and-Shoot camera which we often called a “Digital Camera”.  Or perhaps you’ve heard people talked about taking pictures using Web-Camera.   And yes, the even cell phones has advanced so much it now carries its own power to take pictures.  Teenagers and even kids enjoyed the power of the camera phone they take many picture of themselves and post it to Friendster or Facebook.  Those small roll of films simply banished, instead it was replaced with memory cards which can hold up to thousand of pictures vs. few dozen on a film.   Perhaps, you can see professional photographers strut their latest digital SLRs to their heart’s content just to show off how expensive their cameras are!

    <<slide 4>>
    Amidst the advancement of technology,  have you even asked this simple question?  “How does a camera works “?   Perhaps on corollary, you may even ask “How does a digital camera works”?

    Let’s take a look! The lens forms the image

    In physics, an image may be formed once you put a lens between an image and a converging plane.  It is expressed as S1 – the distance between the lens and the object and S2 the distance between the lens and the imaging plane.   As per law of physics, the image will naturally appears inverted relative to the orientation of the subject.

    For example if you are taking a picture of man, the resulting image would appear as inverted man in the imaging plane.

    <<slide 5>>
    The phenomenon of projecting an image onto a plane is not new.  This was observed during the time of Aristotle who help develop a rudimentary Pinhole Box to observe solar eclipse.  We still use Pinhole boxes to observe solar eclipse, do we?

    The application was not limited to solar eclipse.  They also notice that an image of a tree can be projected inside a Pinhole box.  However, the image disappears once the subject was taken out of focus.
    The problem now is “How to record or capture the image permanently”

    <<slide 6>>
    For over a thousand years, the problem lingers.  In the early 1000AD, an Arab inventor Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham)  enhanced the design of the pinhole into a much more complex machine called Camera Obscura.    For the first time, a lens was inserted in the hole to magnify the image.  They discovered that by changing the lens, they can control the magnification of an image – make it big or make it small.

    <<slide 7>>
    European inventors tried to improve the design of camera obscura, which eventually became the foundation of modern camera.
    Yet, the problem still lingers.  The projected image disappears once the subject is taken out of focus.

    Did you know that some “ingenious” artist use camera obscura as a template for their paintings.  By tracing, they can “capture” the projected image.  

    <<slide 8>>
    A breakthrough happened on the hot summer of 1827.   French inventor Joseph Nicephore Niepce successfully made the first photographic image using the Camera Obscura.  Instead of tracing, Niepce thought of letting the light draw the image.   

    Niepce’s photographs were produced on a polished pewter plate covered with a petroleum derivative called bitumen of Judea. Bitumen hardens with exposure to light. The unhardened material may then be washed away and the metal plate polished, rendering a negative image which then may be coated with ink and impressed upon paper, producing a print

    However, Niepce's photograph required eight hours of light exposure to create and after appearing would soon fade away.
    NiƩpce also began experimenting with silver compounds based on a Johann Heinrich Schultz discovery in 1724 that a silver and chalk mixture darkens when exposed to light.

    <<slide 9>>
    Joseph made several photographs but it was crude and extremely “ugly”.  Most of his works were destroyed or discarded into the waste basket.   There is only one known surviving photography made by Joseph.  This was taken from the window of his house and took more than 12 hours of exposure.

    <<slide 10>>
    Niepce’s intuitive idea of allowing the light to draw the image pave way to the advent of photography.  The problem shifted on how to capture the image but how to improve the quality of the captured image.   Everyone agrees that the answer lies on the type of medium to use.

    Niepce’s work on metal and silver was generally categorized as heliographs.
    A fellow Frenchman Louis Daguerre   found a way to minimize the exposure time to 30 minutes and to keep the image from disappearing afterwards.  Daguerre's process 'fixed' the images onto a sheet of silver-plated copper. He polished the silver and coated it in iodine, creating a surface that was sensitive to light. Then, he put the plate in a camera and exposed it for a few minutes. After the image was painted by light, Daguerre bathed the plate in a solution of silver chloride. This process created a lasting image, one that would not change if exposed to light.  This method has been known as the Dageurotype.

    Other media type were also discovered.  Notable among these are:
    • Sensitized paper – paper covered with silver salt solution. Invented by Henry Fox Talbot
    Talbot sensitized paper to light with a silver salt solution. He then exposed the paper to light. The background became black, and the subject was rendered in gradations of grey. This was a negative image, and from the paper negative, Talbot made contact prints, reversing the light and shadows to create a detailed picture. In 1841, he perfected this paper-negative process and called it a calotype, Greek for beautiful picture.
    • Tintypes
    Tintypes, patented in 1856 by Hamilton Smith, were another medium that heralded the birth of photography. A thin sheet of iron was used to provide a base for light-sensitive material, yielding a positive image.
    • Wet Plate Negatives
    In 1851, Frederick Scoff Archer, an English sculptor, invented the wet plate negative. Using a viscous solution of collodion, he coated glass with light-sensitive silver salts. Because it was glass and not paper, this wet plate created a more stable and detailed negative.
    Photography advanced considerably when sensitized materials could be coated on plate glass. However, wet plates had to be developed quickly before the emulsion dried. In the field this meant carrying along a portable darkroom.
    • Dry Plate Negatives & Hand-held Cameras
    In 1879, the dry plate was invented, a glass negative plate with a dried gelatin emulsion. Dry plates could be stored for a period of time. Photographers no longer needed portable darkrooms and could now hire technicians to develop their photographs. Dry processes absorbed light quickly so rapidly that the hand-held camera was now possible.
    <<slide 11>>
    • Flexible Roll Film
    In 1889, George Eastman invented film with a base that was flexible, unbreakable, and could be rolled. Emulsions coated on a cellulose nitrate film base, such as Eastman's, made the mass-produced box camera a reality.
    • Color Photographs
    In the early 1940s, commercially viable color films (except Kodachrome, introduced in 1935) were brought to the market. These films used the modern technology of dye-coupled colors in which a chemical process connects the three dye layers together to create an apparent color image
    • Digital Sensors
    First introduced in early 1980s, digital sensor slowly gain acceptance as the medium of choice for photography.   As the advances of technology flourish, the initial problem on digital sensor eventually vanish. At present, the quality of digital sensor has reach the level of that in film and some pundits even claim it has surpass it.  If you look around, 99% of camera are powered by digital sensor: may it be phone camera, point-and-shoot up to the powerful DSLRs.

    <<slide 12>>
    From plates to film to the current trend in sensor and memory cards, what do you think would be the future?

    Back to you evening master!

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    ACB 1st Advance Manual Project #4: Voltes V

    Advance Manual : 226-K   Story Telling
    Project # 4    : The Touching Story
    Title          : Voltes V
    Delivered at   : PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
    Evaluated by   : ACB/CL Roi Ontiveros
    Target Norm    : Advance Communicator Bronze

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    Have you ever had this mania over an item or items and could not explain why you have such fetish?  It could be a toy, food or perhaps a place of importance.  I do have my share too… and only one but many: sunny-side-up eggs, rubber shoes, and countless more.

    Good evening fellow toastmasters! 

    Allow me to share a story of a boy who had a fetish for television and cartoons.  His name was Dongkoy.


    It was one late afternoon, a typical Saturday in the province of Cotabato.
    Dongkoy was still standing in the middle of the basketball field clueless of what has just happened.  With an orange dodge ball in his hands, he tried to aim for a target but there was nobody in there.  Few meters away, he watches as his playmates runs off towards his cousin’s house.  
    “Taran-tan-taran” the familiar song filled the air! 

    “Voltes-V”, his sisters shouted, and they also started running towards his cousin’s house.  The turtle-speed Dongkoy found himself running too, but he was not fast enough to gain entrance at the house.   He tried to push the dark wooden door but it was heavy and was locked from the inside.  Meekly, he knocks on the door but no one seems to hear.   His two sisters didn’t make it too, and they were squatting on the side trying to get a peek on what’s happening inside through the sliver of the door. 

    “Let’s volts in”, the blurted a static voice from the TV… and follows a thunderous applause and cheer of his friends – inside the house.  Unable to contain his frustrations, he bangs the door and cried “Let me in”.   Like percussion drums, his two sisters joined in banging the door and murmuring in little voices “let us in”.   Irritated perhaps, his cousin pops up from the window and shouted “Hoy, don’t bang the door”.  

    “Let us in”, Dongkoy begs.

    “With your mud packed ginger feet? No way”!    His cousin then disappeared.

    Dongkoy thought of washing his feet but the nearest faucet was too far he was afraid; the TV shows would be finish before he could go back.   

    “If only we have slippers”, he sobbed and embraced his sisters. 

    “Laser Sword”, the children shouted in chorus – from the inside.   

    Dongkoy’s two sisters were getting restless. They really wanted to watch the show.  By hook or by crook, he must find a way to get inside.  Dongkoy saw a heap of copra few meters away.  He gathered two large coconuts and used it as ledge, stood on it and bingo his head reached the window!  He smiled when saw the gleaming white screen of the TV.  He could now watch the show. Yes!

    He was about to enjoy the show, but his sisters started pulling his pants, shouting “me too”.  Dongkoy tried to mount her sister on one coconut, but alas, her sister was simply too small to reach the window.  The youngest was worse.  She doesn’t even know how to stand on a coconut.  No choice, he carried his sister on his shoulder to allow her to watch the TV show.  Few minutes later, she would bring her down… just to carry the other sister and let her watch the show.   While the two sisters take turn watching the show, their telegraphic narration was more than enough to let Dongkoy imagine how the show went by.

    Dongkoy didn’t bother that his hands were turning purple.  He has only one thing in his mind:  allow her sisters to watch the show… so they can talk about it, later.   An hour seems an eternity, yet with a little patience they made it through.   Their friends have started going out.  

    “Nyeyeye, they didn’t see”, teased the bully kids.

    Dongkoy didn’t mind.  With both sisters in each hand, he just smiled and they walked merrily along the muddy path towards home. The sisters tried to fight back, but he argued “It’s alright; someday we will have one – not black and white but big colored TV”.

    Over an oil lamp that night, Dongkoy and his sisters talked about the show.   Each sister takes turns as they narrate what they saw.  Dongkoy also added characters and event – that were totally out of the show.   They associated the villains among the bully in their neighborhood. They all laugh as they realized that the story that they were sharing has transformed into a reality TV show.

    They fall asleep together with big smiles on their lips.


    Thirty five years later, Dongkoy fulfilled his promised.  He bought a forty-two inch LCD TV and had been enjoying the old copies of the Voltes-V show.  His sisters had their TVs too, and perhaps also watch old re-runs of Voltes V.

    Thirty five years later, Dongkoy and his sisters still share stories – not about Voltes V but stories of their lives.   

    Thirty fives years later, I realized it was not the TV that matters, but the bonding that held us together that made us supportive and strong siblings.

    Back to you evening master!