Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Specialty Speeches (226-E) Project #1 - Women Driving in Saudi Arabia

Advance Manual 226-E
Special Speeches
Project #1:   Speak of the Cuff
Title:  Women Driving in Saudi Arabia

Evaluator:   DTM Ron Jacobe, Jr.

Topic Given by the Evalutor:  What is your idea of allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia.

Note:  This is an impromptu speech where the speaker opted NOT to select a specific topic to discuss.  The Evaluator was given the freedom to choose any topic, any subject and any question from anything.  

Here's the outline of the speech presented

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Ask successive questions to set the tempo of discussion:
  • Who among  you here are drivers?  
  • Who among the ladies here knows how to drive?  Did you miss driving cars.. ladies?
  • For the boys, what is your general experience while driving in Saudi Arabia?
Salutation and greetings.

Sweeping and general comments on driving

  • Male are generally fast drivers and more reckless
  • Women are generally slow and more careful

General impression of Saudi roads

  • Driving at 140kms vs 40kms while in Singapore  
  • Large Cars and wide roads
  • Signs are suggestions - have improved lately due to Shaher Traffic monitoring !
Share personal experience in Riyadh
  • Riding an Aveo at 60kph and got "windsweeped" by a Suburbun at 140kph.  Felt the car transferred to another lane.
  • Careless parking and stopping at the middle of the road
  • Cutting at the pedestrians, blocking right turn way, blocking personal parking, dangerous maneuvers, over speeding and many more
 Share experience in Khobar and Bahrain

  • Driving in Khobar is a basically the same as driving in Riyadh
  • The "different" driving experience in Bahrain.  Slower and generally organized.
  • Women driving in Bahrain
 The idea of allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia
  • Could possibly make male drivers to be "more" accommodating and may entice them to drive slower
  • Poke fun of having women driver wearing covered bur-qua which may limit driver's visibility. Will this result to more accidents?
  • Driving could symbolize giving "freedom" to women. Is the male dominated Saudi Arabia ready to accept this change?
  • If women are allowed to drive, are the women ready to take this freedom?  Cited an example of a domesticated animal who was afraid to venture out and would prefer the safe confines of his/her cage.
  • Summarize the speech emphasizing the four points of my idea about women driving in Saudi Arabia.
  • Made a personal prediction that women will eventually be allowed to drive but not in my lifetime
  • Women themselves are not ready to accept this freedom

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Evaluation given by   DTM Ron Jacobe, Jr.

  • Full of confidence 
  • Good control of the speaking area, eye contact, pauses, phrasing and timing.
  • Well groomed and dressed.
  • Delivery was superb

  • Made sweeping generalization of how people drive in Saudi Arabia. May not be true and personal experience could be bias and should not be a basis for a recommendation that affect others.
  • Good transition and emphasis of each major points, giving a clear separation of ideas
  • The evaluator found it "lacking " especially on actual application.  Could have been better if the speaker provided concrete example on the advantage and disadvantages of women driving.
  • Advantage such as:  practicality of women taking their children to school instead of waiting for husband.  Women doing regular chores instead of wasting precious time waiting for someone to drive for them. Not all Saudi can afford male drivers in their homestead.
  • Share disadvantage if there are any.

Final Verdict:
  • Form was good but lacking in substance
  • Can be credited if the speaker wants it - passing mark of "Fair"

Speaker's response:
  •  Agrees with the evaluation of DTM Ron
  • Will repeat the project on the grounds that this is a quest for personal improvement
  • The speaker may not need the norm.  He is already an Advance Communicator Gold.